(Photo from Reuters)
I'm sick and tired of hearing about this liberal whore going around the world and essentially "saving it". You aren't saving shit, Angelina. All you are doing is being a lame ass "ambassador" for the United States and going to places that we just bombed. Job well done. But what were you really doing there, Angie? Attempting to adopt another child to add to your miserable collection? It's pieces of shit like you who think you are standing up for something right, when in fact you are just looking for the publicity. I don't know you personally so I can't say for sure. But what reason do you really have for going to Libya?
Just about as much of a reason as the U.S. did. The doofus in the White House finds it necessary to be a policeman of the world, much like his predecessor W did. And look where that left us. Our debt is in the trillions and our currency is becoming more and more devalued by the day. Unfortunately due to the travesty in Japan, who backs the dollar, we are looking at more inflation. And it's really sad because just as we should be doing all that we can to help in Japan, we have people in power who think we should be bombing Libya, invading Iraq, and setting up camp in Afghanistan.
And this all goes back to Angelina Jolie. She is the face of what is currently wrong with our country. Instead of doing what is right and helping to get us out of this recession, she's going to other places in the world that also "need help." Well of course they need help. Not everywhere can be America. Heliocentric? No. Patriotic. But what that whore needs to realize is that America isn't in the best shape right now either. Look at our economy. Look at the unemployment rate. What's wrong with our children, Angelina? Do you know how many kids are in foster homes in the United States? Why can't you adopt any of them?
I'm sure foster homes in the U.S. are in much better condition than, say, those in Guatemala. But that doesn't mean she should find it necessary to adopt a kid from there. There's more to being in a foster home than the condition it's in. The kids need parental figures who will treat them with respect. How many kids do you think get adopted here that get abused either physically or sexually by their foster parents? I bet it's a decent amount. Let's take care of our own before we try to go and save everyone else. That's what got us into the financial turmoil in the first place.
I'm not much into politics, but I do love this country. And maybe some of my facts aren't straight but that doesn't take away from what I feel. Our country is mired in such a cesspool of shit that I personally think we need to get squared away before we can try to save everyone else. It's impossible. So these dumbass celebrities like Jolie, Madonna, and Sean Penn should be working their tails off to get some shit done here. In the United States. The home of the free and the brave. Not going to Libya because we're the reason they are in danger right now. Let's mind our own business and fix our country once and for all. You should agree with me because "I am better than you."
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