
Skype Sex Is NOT Safe Sex

Well well well, what do we have here? Some of you know what Skype is. Congratulations. The rest of you who don't, get your head out of your ass. Skype is an application you can download off the interweb and communicate with your friends or lovers or both. It's great because it eases the stresses of long-term relationships, like those who go to Spain, Ethiopia, or Turkey. But what you might not know is how dangerous skype sex actually can be. Put on your rubber because this one is about to get rough.

I know a lot of people who use skype (3 to be exact) and it appears to be here to stay. But to get back to my point. It's dangerous. Think about it. What if you don't have a lock on your door and you get caught masturbating? Not only do you have to defend yourself, but now you have to defend your partner. If parents know what their children are using skype for, I bet they try and time it to kill two birds with one stone so to speak. I have never been caught because 1) I don't violate myself like the rest of you goofballs and 2) All the people I skype with are guys and that would not go along with being a heterosexual.

Another thing. All these companies who design these webcams most certainly put in a device that allows them to see you. They have to. If I was manufacturing them I would because it's the right thing to do. So essentially everytime you are being inappropriate over the interweb, someone besides you is enjoying the show. It's pretty much the same thing as sexting because when you get a cool naked picture of somebody, the first thing you do is show all your friends. Again I have never had the pleasure of receiving one of those texts because I've never kissed a girl, let alone seen one naked.

I think as future parents, at least me because I am attractive enough to find someone to mate with, we need to go to the necessary measures to make sure this shit doesn't happen with our kids. We need to start sending out PSA's on the television, radio, and internet to tell parents to teach their kids the dangers of skype sex. It is essentially the same thing as unprotected sex because you aren't using condoms and that should be a crime. One day you're having fun, being naked on the internet, the next you're shooting out children from your labia.

Maybe skype sexing makes long distance relationships easier because you still have the luxury of seeing your person naked. Maybe it stretches the length of them. Either way it should be outlawed in these United States because nothing good can come from it. Soon we will hear that STD's can be transmitted via the interweb. In any case, you should be wearing a condom regardless because safe sex is great sex. All I know is you won't see me having skype sex because I make good decisions. Decisions that allow me to say "I am better than you."


  1. You're a complete dumbass.

    1. totally agree. Is this guy forreal? At least his stupidity was funny. "I am better than you." lol!

  2. mongoloid Mike should move to N. Korea

  3. jerk. jerk X2 for ' I've never kissed a girl, let alone seen one naked.'

    1. can strangers see my Skype call with my girlfriend ?
      is there any risk ?

    2. The only risk is from your parents walking in on you. You got this dude!

    3. what about facebook video chat..??

  4. got it, i'm only worry about someone online, not someone walking in.

  5. i'm 15 (female), talking to a 19 year old (male) on skype, we have online sex, but is it really that dangerous? also can someone see me besides my boyfriend on skype?

    1. Your first concern should be that you're talking to a 19 year old when you are only 15. Aside from that, he's going to be the only one to see you. But I'd reconsider my "relationship" going forward.

    2. Age does not matter in a relationship, as long as they are truly in love, you half-witted dumbass. I'd suggest that you actually come up with an explanation that is not biased. And relationship with quotation marks? You cant really judge if you don't do it like they do. Some people may have met in real life and are getting sexually attracted to each other through long distance relationships. Think about it before you say something.

    3. So you think it's acceptable for a 19 year old male to take advantage of a 15 year old girl? That's love to you? In all seriousness, how old were you when you actually found out what true love was? Because my bet would be that you were way older than 15.

      Your argument would contend that a 15 year old could also date an 11 year old, since age does not matter in a relationship.

      Age matters when they are 19 and 15 not 33 and 29, you dickhead

    4. mike you're a fucking retarded american. go fuck yourself you piece of shit.

    5. If you were intelligent, you would realize that you can't fuck yourself. Nice try dickcream.

    6. i have to back mike up here. first off, stop hating on the kid. second, age doesn't always matter BUT it's situational. as a girl, i have to say, we usually get "hunted" when we are younger. thus statutory rape laws. girls need a chance to mature and grow without the pressure of an older man. many older men approach me like lions after meat-they're seriously going after me because im young. when you get older it's okay, but when you're still in highschool, maybe focus on your studies & finding out who you are instead of dating an older man who can distract or even take advantage of innocence.

  6. He must be gay that why he hasn't seeing a girl nude

  7. hi @Mike
    as you said , no third party can see online sex apart from two owners ... ?
    ( boyfriend and girlfriend are doing sex via skype but, nobody ( third party ) can see it , right ?
    that's true ?

    1. As a computer engineer, I can assure you that it may be possible for someone with the right knowledge to see it (to spy any conversation). Not likely anyone will be interested in doing so, but it is possible.

  8. you're a total dumbass. wtf is wrong with you dude? and seriously, you've never had a gf? -_-

  9. You guys are complete dickwads... if you're going to bash his post this much, what's stopping you from doing the same to college humor material? I actually got a couple of grins from reading this.

  10. I love your blog lmaoooo

  11. any risk of third parties watching and recording skype sex?

  12. Skype owns all the stuff we do online, and i mean , everything.

  13. This article is not helpful. From experience I would say just be careful where you have opened skype before and not logged out, eg. internet cafe. I think sending pictures via whatsapp is safest.

    1. sending pictures via whatsapp is NOT safe. whatsapp doesn't properly encrypt messages, so people with a bit of knowledge can access to everything u send

  14. Great article but I'm not convinced. Skype sex is perfectly fine if people want to watch and be a pervert then let them. It's looking bad on them. Maybe even illegal if someone is not of age. So it's whatever the people in a relationship want to do. Stay out of people's relationships because it's not your place to say what u can and cannot do.

  15. Dude are you seriously THAT stupid?
    A woman does not pop children out of her labia idiot. There's this lovely thing called a VAGINA!! little hypocritical pricks like you have no imply on other people's lives and relationships. Shut up and open your mind before your mouth. So judging people is so incredibly idiotic and you shouldn't be trying to play God. Grow up and learn to live with the fact that you cannot change people

    1. I have no imply? What does that even mean? That doesn't make sense. And what exactly am I opening my mind to? I'm not sure where your rant even falls in with zero context. Try again, Liberacci.

  16. "I live in New Jersey and I currently am and will always be better than you. Follow me on Twitter: @NovaSocha" From my experience anyone who says something similar to this can't possibly have decent life advice. I actually took the time to read the entire post you wrote, and I can't believe you could think that you are right at all. It looks to me like 90% of what you wrote is your opinion not fact. I can agree with a small percent of what you wrote, but honestly the entire last paragraph shouldn't even be there it has nothing constructive to say and is just you saying that you are better than everyone else which you quite obviously are not. I will also say that I am not better than anyone else in this world. I believe in equal rights some people are merely more fortunate than others. No one person is "better" than another, they can be better at doing something but no person is better than any other person.

  17. What if you and your partner are under 18 doing these things on Skype? Could partaking in any nude activities on Skype come back around and bite you in the ass in the future?

  18. Ah here I am again, wondering why the fuck I'm on a blog listening to people fighting. Life is good.

  19. Hahahah, ahh, oh, man! The number of satirically challenged people on this thread is insane! This is satire, people! Get a goddamn grip!
