Before I blow your minds, first let's think about all the other dumbass holidays we are forced to celebrate every year because of Hallmark.
1) Valentine's Day. What a joke. "Hey honny, let's go to an expensive dinner that you have to pay for, get drunk on expensive wine that you can't afford and go back to your house/apartment and perform oral sex on each other until we pass out." This is what has become of Valentine's Day. One day in which we love our partner, pamper them, and have sex. Things that guys are required to do every day of the year anyway. But on February 14, we have to go the extra mile. Cool.
2) Cinco de Mayo. Yet again, another excuse for us to get hammered. Local Mexican bars have crazy deals on tequila, cervesa, and tacos tacos tacos tacos. But I bet you didn't know that the good 'ole US of A is the only country that celebrates Cinco de Mayo. Mexico doesn't even recognize it as a holiday. The common misperception is that it is Mexican Independence Day, but that couldn't be further from the truth. Mexican Independence Day is actually September 16. We celebrate Cinco de Mayo as the time when Mexico started to believe in democracy and freedom. Let's stop providing business for shitty beer companies like Corona and Dos Equis, please America.

3) Easter. Easter is a dumb holiday. How many times is Jesus going to come back from the dead? I'm surprised this holiday kept going after 1 A.D. Why do we keep celebrating his coming back to life? He only did it one time. Let's forget about it and move on.
(I swear to God I made my sister watch this with me everyday one summer)
4) Fathers' Day. What a cheap knockoff of Mothers' Day. Really, what do fathers do in child-rearing anyways? All the dads I know sit around watching some sort of sports and drink beer. Not much of a human to celebrate. When I finally pollute the Earth with my seed, I'm going to make damn sure that the surrogate of my sperm doesn't celebrate this sorry excuse for a holiday.
This leads me to my idea for a holiday. Now, I'm just getting the framework down and I haven't fully thought this through, but I think it can work. It will be called "Bully Day" and the idea is to bully someone who is inferior to you. For example, I would go around all day picking on people that I am better than. Like my next door neighbor with emphysema. "Hey, remember that time that you were coughing up pieces of your lung because you couldn't stop smoking? Don't you wish you had healthy lungs like me?" Do you have the general principle down?
I think this is a good idea for many reasons. I know that anti-bullying campaigns are huge right now, but I've yet to understand as to why. Bullying has been around since the beginning of time. It's called survival of the fittest. Being bullied helps you for later in life when people tell you you are worthless and will never amount to anything . You can think back to that time in 5th grade when you were getting a swirlie and how the older kids said you were a loser and your "4 eyes" will never get you blown. See how it connects? I think the more we bully people, the better they will end up in later life. It creates a thick skin and lower expectations. Since August doesn't have any holidays and it's the closing of summer, I annoint August 8 "Bully Day". Remember to throw someone in the dirt or eggs at their face. I will because "I am better than you."
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