I first truly learned about road rage when I was a sophomore in high school. We had to watch this shitty video in driver's ed about the dangers of driving. Realistically, I don't think there could be a worse time to have people watch about the perils of driving then right before you give someone the ability to drive. For the first time. Ever. So we start watching this video and it's a re-creation of a guy getting pissed off about getting cut off. So he follows the car who cut him off and then catches him and cuts him off! Talk about exhilarating. Next thing you know, they're pulled over and the one guy goes to his trunk and pulls out a crossbow. A fucking crossbow. Boom! Right through his chest. "But you didn't have to cut me offffffffffff."
So that's when I learned about road rage. From a video in driver's ed. And a guy pulls out a crossbow and kills someone who cut him off. I don't care. I get road rage. The worst case of road rage I get, and it's on a consistent basis, is when two cars in front of you, on a two lane road, go the exact same speed, side by side, usually 5 mph below the speed limit, and do so for about 10 miles. Get the fuck out of my way you cockboys! That's the shit that makes me want to drive my car 100 mph into a divider. Am I the only one who gets those urges? Should I consider getting psychiatric help? The answer is no way Jose.
There's also a stereotype that Asians can't drive. But that's not a stereotype. Asians can't drive. Asian men, women, animals, babies, you name it. They can't drive. They all have Honda Accords and drive them like they have mounds of rice shoved up their ass. There's no truer stereotype here in America except for the blacks being lazy. Just kidding Jibril, I love ya bud. Sort of. It's bad enough that the Asia people can't drive in ideal conditions. But if you throw in some rain or snow, good golly! These assholes are driving on highways like they're avoiding a-bombs in Hiroshima. That was insensitive. I lived with an Asian in college and he let me drive his orange Acura all the time. He liked smoking illegal plants. I miss him, but he couldn't drive neither.
Which brings me to my next point. Steroids. All this going on in baseball about so and so using steroids or HGH or adderall or whatever nonsensical PEDs. Who gives a shit really. If they all use them, it's not really cheating is it? The only reason I haven't used steroids yet is because my dick can't get any smaller. I'm twerkin' with a solid 2'' now, what happens when I start poking needles in my ass. It's hard enough (no pun intended) getting other things shoved in there. You think I have the time for needles to go in there too? Yeah right. So in no way are road rage and roid rage remotely close to the same thing. I just needed a reason to talk about the length of my johnson in the title.
I hate driving slow. I hate driving behind someone. I hate when people text and drive, except for me. I hate people who wear bluetooth headsets. I hate using your blinker when changing lanes. I hate waiting at red lights. I hate when people don't yield at a yield. I mostly hate everyone and everything that has to do with driving. If everyone drove like me, the world would be a much better, faster place. You'd get from A to B in like 4 seconds. You wouldn't be a pussy when it comes to rain or snow. And overall, road rage would cease to exist. But since nothing in life happens the way I want it to, I'll still be stuck with this baby dick but nothing will make me stop saying, "I am better than you."
I accidentally fell into this pit of a blog on the internet and sir, your blog is the biggest bunch of bigoted trash I've had the misfortune of reading. Stop being a cunt. I hope you get fat.
Everyone with a brain.
P.S. Your nose is big and misshapen, your vest and hat are gay, and you should probably die in a fire.
DeleteWe both know that's simply not true. You must be a female driver
DeleteIts the "Everyones a bad driver but me" guy. 1 of you in every crowd.
My brother and cousin are just like you. Arrogant, selfish cunts.
They both get pissed over every single little fucking thing on the road. While cussing and acting like stupid fucking apes. Tailgating and speeding.
And guess what?
Wrecks, both of them. Rearending people and paying for their shit.
Whos tailgating who now?
Im assuming from your article that this is what youre like?
You mentioned cars blocking both lanes? Yea right. I bet youre shitting brix over everything.
Of course my brother and cousin are arrogant, selfish cunts outside of a car as well. And from your blog...so are you.
Which means that through your arrogant,selfish,ape eyes. everyone else is the problem. But unfortunately, when your buddies or family, are setting next to you awkwardly. After one of your tantrums. Its because they know talking to you is pointless. NOT because they agree with you. Even if they say they agree. Their lying to get you to shut the fuck up.
They cringe when you throw hissy fits.
They cringe at YOUR driving.
They cringe at your blog.
Theirs words to describe people like you.
But since you wont care and youll just deny it.
Ill call you legitimately psychotic.
And dinosaurs were real you ignorant fuck. Even if it was all satire (doubt it). Your blog was nonsense.
Either way.. It still means you get off on angry people. Which further proves youre mentally ill.
You hate everyone around because of your own selfish reasons and you enjoy pissing them off...for your own selfish reasons.
All of that...and you still think youre better than everyone.
Im guessing youre single. The only people that can stand being around people like you. Are people like you.
I thought your blog was gonna have more of a Bill Burr mmpc feel.
All im getting is arrogance.
Youre BLOGGING. Who for? You dont give a shit. So no one will give a shit about you.
On or offline. Its sad. Youre kinda funny. But youre a selfish arrogant twat. so fuck it.
Im curious what you have to say to this. Probably an idiotic one line Shitty joke. Because you cant handle the truth. The truth either phases right through people like you. Or you throw fucking hissy fits. Because you know as well as I do.
Youre nothing. In a hundred years well both be taking dirt naps and thats what youll be.
No better than dirt. Definitely not better than anyone else.
Im okay with an equal balanced world. Youre mentally ill.
Ive pretty much rounded all the edges. I cant imagine you being able to argue your side.
I expect a snapy bullshit remark Because youve already got the ball rolling one way. Its to late to go back.
Based on your well-articulated post, you must be a psychologist. Like, you've totally figured me out. To a "T". I've been waiting for 3 years for someone to finally solve me. I'm glad that someone else can see me for what I am. A selfish, arrogant cunt who will do nothing with my life. Mentally ill? Sure, why not?But try improving your grammar and spelling. It's atrocious.
DeleteGreat argument.
Delete"Like,youve totally figured me out."
I can here the bleached blond, NEW JOYSIE, bullshit through the screen. Go get a fresh spray tan.
I never said you could do nothing with your life. Thats ALL you.
You yourself admit to having friends. So you cant be that much of a cunt. Of course telling your friends "Im better than you", like its some unique line of thought, is ignorant and foolish. In the truest sense, it likens you to the Hitlers, and Stalin's of the world.
Also, about my grammar, I typed it out on my phone. (same now)
So, Graciously, suck a dick.
Im no psychologist, but I am one of the few that have the patience for the job.
What I do exceptionally well is, play guitar.
Its not a lie. Its not a boast.
If you (or anyone) does not have ten years of hard practice .... Then im probably better.
If I EVER told a kid(or man) I was teaching.. "Im better than you, and will always be, better than you."
Then shred some 3 octave, Paul Gilbert type run..
They would stop on a dime and give up.
Not so poetic when its splayed out.
"im better than you " just sounds like a fat girl screaming "IM SKINNY!!! "
Or, if you actually have talent, it sounds like a hot chick screaming "Im hot!!"
NOTHING changes the simple facts
Its arrogant, and pathetically boring.
But, you think you have a unique line of thought so.. Good for you.
Even though you sound like a spray tanned land whale.
I don't know where bleached blonde hair color comes from NJ. Have you ever seen anyone from the state? Considering the fact that most of them are Italian, they have dark features. But you probably already knew that because you're really smart. And comparing me to Hitler and Stalin? Yikes. I didn't know I had that much pull on writing a blog. Thanks for the compliment! And lastly, what do spray tanned land whales sound like? I've never actually seen or heard one speak, so I'm a bit curious.