I never quite made the connection until they started calling me that. I either make a really offensive, non-funny joke, say something completely uncalled for and vulgar, ridicule them for being far more inferior to me, or a combination of all of the above. And my reasoning for such first impressions was because I wanted to test the waters with these people I was just meeting. How would they handle me telling them that they look like a fucking moron? That I don't care what they do for a living, I'm just trying to make bullshit conversation? That I don't care if their daughter gets raped? Or just talking openly about some of my sexual exploits, none of which involve penetration because I'm still waiting for the right girl. (Really, no one is willing to take the card.) This is how I based my pending friendship with them.
But yesterday was different. March 5, 2011 was a unique day in the history of First Impression Mike. For the first time since I can remember, I didn't fuck up. I met someone and I didn't fuck it up. At this stage in my life, being a 22-year-old single male with great looks and a great personality, when I go out I should be approaching girls and trying to get into their pants. But instead, I started talking to a guy about my life. (No, I'm not for the gays) Nice guy who was learning the very basic ins-and-outs of a very wonderful human, me. Next thing you know, my work situation comes up. Since I'm unemployed I begin to explain how I hate my life. He shoots back at me with a business card and tells me to send him my resume so he could, in turn, send it to some people he knows. Things are looking up.
Now before you get creeped out, he wasn't just some rando. He's friends with my sister-ish and she apparently put in the good word prior to our meeting. Was he aware of my true identity? I doubt it seriously. I mean, it's not like we look alike or anything. But regardless, I easily could have fucked up that encounter. All it would take would be for me to say something stupid, like "Who's dick did you suck to get your job?" But I refrained. I used a social filter. Why? Beats me. But I can remember not even thinking such vulgar, asinine comments in my brain. Am I finally growing up? Anything is possibleeee.
So for the first time in a long while, I have something to look forward to. Nothing was promised to me, but the idea that somebody is going to attempt to help me out is a step in the right direction. I'm beginning to think that I should act more appropriately when I first meet people because it might turn out that they like me and might try to help me with different problems I might be having. I went from being the Zagat rated #1 Worst First Impressionist in 2008, to a respectable human that could hold a normal conversation. Blue skies might be flying over my horizon real soon, and for that I must say "I am better than you."
You are probably the only non(?)-homosexual male to ever break the ice with another guy with: "Wow, do you work out?"